Over the past two weeks, the Czech Ministry of Interior, in accordance with requirements determined by the Czech Republic’s Central Crisis Staff, delivered the following medical supplies:
These supplies are already in the Czech Republic and are being distributed according to the Crisis Staff’s needs. In addition to this direct purchase of medical supplies, PPF Group – through its company Home Credit China – also provided the Ministry of Interior with CZK 5 million worth of leased transport capacity and warehouses in Shanghai. PPF Group also donated a further CZK 20 million to the Ministry for the purchase of additional medical supplies.
Over the course of the procurement and delivery of the materials, the numbers and specifications were modified compared to the originally-planned donation. This was done in accordance with adjustments to the requirements of the Crisis Staff. All costs related to purchasing and transporting the supplies to Shanghai Airport were borne by PPF Group companies. In total, PPF Group thus provided aid totaling CZK 105 million.
PPF Group would like to thank our employees who went above and beyond their regular duties to assist in the purchase of medical aid. We also thank the Czech Ministry of Interior for transporting our aid to the Czech Republic.